First, by giving alms quietly. To give and help others without notice. Humbly, in order to show it is from the heart, and not for notice or praise or attention?
Jesus said they received their reward, which was the praise of others. We want the praise of Jesus’ love.
Second, by praying. Those Jesus condemns were praying out loud for attention and for people to think of them as holy. We want to pray for a real personal relationship with God.
Third, by fasting. Jesus warns about how they look when they fast, but we are to fast with a joyful look and joyful spirit. This way the fasting becomes an inner sacrifice offered as a prayer without any attention on our self.
In the first reading Elisha wanted a double portion of Elijah’s spirit to be the prophet he was called to be. It is important for us to follow these examples so we will have a double portion of what Jesus wants to offer us, a relationship with God and everlasting life.