The first time "Christian" was used to describe Jesus' followers was at Antioch as we hear in the first reading. According to Acts Chapter 11, to be a Christian meant to believe in the Good News, or preaching of Jesus.
It was a description of those who converted to this belief, it meant to stay firm in a commitment to the Lord, and to continue to be instructed in the Scripture to understand them more deeply. It also meant to instruct others about the Scriptures, to work to create a community of believers, and to be an example by living all that Jesus taught.
What does the word "Christian" mean today? The word is used to refer loosely to the baptized, the saved, churchgoers, people who pray, or those who have some Christian values. While all of these things are part of being a Christian, they aren't enough to make us Christians by the standards of Acts Chapter 11.
Are you a Christian? I am sure all of us have met the first two points. Belief in the Gospel and converted to the Lord. What about the rest? Do we continue to learn more and more about the Scriptures and teach it to others by word and example?
Do we do all we can to make the community of the parish ‘one’ and increase it with new members, and work for its peace and unity and fellowship?
Christians were named as Christians, or followers of Jesus by these characteristics. Are we Christian in the fullness of the sense? Or do we need to grow as a Christian?