When we look at ourselves and all of human nature, stemming all the way back in time to Adam and Eve, humans have always struggled with pride.
We want to be the best or take credit for things accomplished. One of the dangers of believing in Jesus is the pride that can accompany it. Obviously, this pride is a temptation from the devil just as the pride of Adam and Eve.
Today, in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, a man is cured. Peter could have easily taken credit for it as the miracle happened through him. But instead he uses it as an opportunity for evangelization. Peter knew, that any accomplishment he did, was done with the help of God and because of his belief in Jesus Christ.
If Peter would have taken credit for the healing, he would have inflated himself and divided the Body of Christ, the church.
God gives us abilities which enable many accomplishments. We have the choice to use them selfishly or for the Church. Lucifer was given great gifts and abilities; he chose to use them selfishly and has hurt the community of souls in heaven and on earth.
We are reading this because we believe in Jesus and are in union with Him and striving to be one with Him.
How do we use the abilities we have and accomplishments we have achieved?