Today’s Gospel continues from yesterday’s. Jesus says, “Until now you did not ask the Father in my name, because they only knew of a one-person God.” They, throughout the Old Testament times, did not understand three persons in one God. They only understood God as Father.
Jesus reveals to them the three persons in one God. Jesus continues by saying, I do not tell you that I will ask the Father for you, because if you unite with me as I have asked and taught, then when you ask the Father, it is like me asking the Father because we are one. Therefore if you are united with me you would be asking correctly in my name.
As a review from yesterday, to ask the Father in Jesus’ name means to ask according to the will of the Father, living as Jesus would live, or asking as if Jesus were living your own particular life.
Unlike those Jesus was talking to, we NOW have the Son, Jesus who came to give us and tell us everything about God, and the Father. Now we have the ability to be one with Jesus and the Father through Jesus. Jesus states that He is one with the Father. They are one because of their Spirit, the Holy Spirit unites them in perfect love and relationship.
God the Father offered that Spirit to the Son who returned the Spirit by living in union with the Father. That Spirit is offered to us from Jesus and if we live in ways returning that perfect relationship, we will be living as one with Jesus. This is why these days pf preparation for Pentecost is so important. We pray that we allow that Holy Spirit to fill us with the gifts that unite us as one with Jesus when we use the gifts and return that relationship.
Let us truly live that oneness and be united to Jesus realizing His heart and His will so that we truly ask and pray in Jesus' name, that is as one with Jesus and therefore one with the Father.