In the first reading today, we see Ahab is being selfish. He wants Naboth’s vineyard. Naboth says no, the vineyard meant a lot to him from his ancestors. Ahab, although a king, sulks like a child. Jezebel, his wife wonders what is wrong with you, you stupid king, you can't even get what you want. Therefore, Jezebel makes up a story of false accusations. This story leads to Naboth getting killed.
We wonder how can anyone be so mean spirited? But How often do we do that? People often like to point out what others do without having the facts correct. People Gossip without knowing facts, often with false information. Judgments are made without understanding or full facts.
When we do this we are equal to Jezebel. We kill the spirit and character of others. Jesus even said, when we talk like that we murder others. Let us think about this and make sure we are not killing someone’s spirit or character, but instead, building each other up with unconditional understanding love.