As we live during this time of Pandemic, as we know the governors, each state with different guidelines, have ordered mostly everything to be closed, including our churches which we should have open.
This is the law and as citizens we do follow the law as Jesus taught us, even when it is not always the best choices.
During this time, we see the great applause and appreciation for the health care workers and first responders. Why? Because we know they are in the face of danger of health by caring for others.
Today is the feast of St. Catherine of Siena, a woman who placed herself in much danger in order to live for Jesus. Here are some of her accomplishments:
When the pope, though still the bishop of Rome, actually lived in Avignon, France, Catherine went and told him how wrong he was and due to her, he returned to Rome. This was not a woman’s place, nor the lay people place according to the rulers, so she placed herself in harm’s way for a greater good.
She went to the appropriate people to bring peace back between France and the Italian states, again a dangerous mission for any lay person let alone a woman.
She wrote to many of the eastern Faiths seeking unity between the east and west division of the church.
During the time of the great plague in Europe; she would go into homes and hospitals and care for others that no-one else would. She would wash their hideous wounds and bandage them. When they died, Catherine would bury them with her own hands.
She fasted for the last 7 years of her life.
These are some of the great accomplishments Catherine did. She participated in Christ’s life as is all of our call through baptism. Let us take her example and be not afraid to work for the Kingdom.