Today, Holy Saturday is a very strange day.
If we were able to be in churches at this time, we would see an empty tabernacle. Where is Jesus? We are so used to His Body being in the tabernacle, His presence of His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity among us.
He is not there, He has descended to hell, (not the hell of the damned, but the hell of those awaiting the messiah for salvation from the beginning of the world.) I love this image, and our eastern brothers and sisters have a beautiful icon of it, they call it the Resurrection Icon.
In the image we see Jesus pulling Adam and Eve out of their tombs. I can sit and look at this icon for long amounts of time. Adam and Eve, given the responsibility to take care of all of creation and destroyed it with sin, are now being saved and rising to eternal life.
Their sin, hurt all creation, including us. Our sins hurt all creation (as we are still responsible to care for others). Yet, our Savior became a human, allowing us to see first-hand that He experienced everything we experience, every temptation, every hardship, every frustration, everything. He experienced it and has mercy on us humans who have Faith in Him. He experienced it and cancelled out Adam and Eve’s sins and brought them into eternal Glory.
With Faith in Him, we know, He too will cancel out our sins and bring us into the same eternal Glory.