On a wall in a Hard Rock Cafe in New York City is a picture of Mary holding Jesus, surrounded by the words, “God is All in All.” When I saw that in 1994, I could not believe that was in a bar. The statement is in the Bible. The reality is that God is in all and God is only complete when all will be back together in Him.
Yet the most amazing thing that is so hard for us to realize and comprehend or accept, is that although God is all , God is each of us individually as well, and at the same time each of us have a free will.
Therefore, although God is all in all, He and heaven will only look the way our free will allows heaven a God to look. We are responsible to build the Kingdom. God left us in charge of all creation when He created Adam and Eve, and then a second time when He ascended and told us to make disciples of all Nations.
This is today’s Gospel. Look around, although right now we are in isolation, just think of all the people you have ever seen: those you know, those you pass, and those you see on tv, everyone you would normally see throughout a given day. God is in each one. Each of us have the responsibility of seeing God in others and for our actions to reflect God being in each of us.
It is hard to imagine God is in the thief, the murder, the terrorists, the homeless. Sometimes it is even hard to imagine Jesus in our neighbors at times, or our family and even our other parishioners. God wants all of us to be one with Him in eternity. This is why He became human, to unite intimately with us. According to the Gospel we see today, the two greatest commandments which are the summary of all 10, is to Love God with our whole heart. To do that, we must love others. How do people who do not know God, get to know Him? Through us and our love. Loving your neighbor as yourself.
If we do not love the thief, the murder, the terrorists, the homeless, our neighbors, our family and all people as we love our self, it is possible that they will be in heaven and we will not. Let us set out to live this very simple formula that Jesus explains and build a Kingdom where God is truly All in All!