In the first reading from Acts of the Apostles we hear, “Look around among your own number, brothers, for seven men acknowledged to be deeply spiritual and prudent, and we shall appoint them to this task. This will permit us to concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the word." These were the first deacons.
When priests are truly priests, we need more deacons, just as this scenario from Acts. When deacons are truly deacons, it helps priests be truly priests and attend to the Body of Christ. When lay people are truly lay people, they call forth more priests and deacons.
In St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he says,” If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members share its joy.” A weakened priesthood hurts the Body of Christ. A weak priesthood will cause a weak laity and will cause a weak diaconate which will cause an even weaker laity.
This vicious cycle can be reversed only by each of us. No matter what part of Christ's body we are, repenting and surrendering totally to Jesus will begin to heal the Body. Renewal of Christ's Body begins with us praying for the healing of the clergy from the sins over the last decades.
If we deny our very selves, take up our daily cross, and become what the Lord has called us to be, we will heal the Body of Christ. In this way, the Word of God will continue to spread, and the number of disciples enormously increase.