Senior Citizens - "Chronolgicdally Matured Adults" , "Babysitters for Generation X", Adults of Grace and Wisdom, "The Siver-Haired Crowd".
At Christ Our Savior Parish, it is the 59ers. We meet, enjoy a light lunch, bingo, and of course socialize.
We usually meet the second Thursday of each month, except for January and February, at the former Risen Lord Education Center on California Ave - No Most Precious Blood Parish Center.
Lunch is at 12 noon. Bingo follows. Lunch is $5.
The menu varies from sandwiches and side dishes (including dessert) to hot, full-course meals.
Activities usually conclude between 2:30 and 3:00.
We resume our meetings on Thursday, March 14, 2024.
These are open to all. Just show up and become part of the group.