In the first reading we see the Jewish people upset because Peter entered a Gentile house and brought them into the Faith. In their culture, the Gentiles were considered unclean because there were not Jewish.
They could not interact with each other. Now Peter is preaching to them and baptizing them. Peter explains a vision he had during prayer, of how the foods they considered unclean was brought down to him, shown to him and he was told that now all foods / animals are considered clean.
The voice said, ’What God has made clean, you are not to call profane.’ Peter uses this to explain to them that now they may eat all foods, but also God did not just make foods clean, He redeemed everything, He made everything clean. As far as humans are concerned, anyone who accepts this, is made clean.
Just as there is no longer distinction between foods, there should no longer be a distinction between people. All people are clean through the birth, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus. If they accept it, they can become clean, and more importantly equal. Peter continues to explain that this is done by the Holy Spirits promptings.
This message is so important for us today. We are Catholic Christians.
Here are some things to consider: Do we act like the people confronting Peter or are we open to anyone and everyone being part of our family of Faith?
We see in Church Alive Mergers, there is often a distinction set, based on some type of judgment that does not fit in line with someone’s thinking. Are we open to converts to the Faith? Especially non-Christians wanting to come in? Do we seek people out who do not know Jesus?
Secondly, as has come up several times in the last few weeks, and it comes up because this is how the first Christians learned to live, do we live following the promoting of the Holy Spirit?
Peter could have easily dismissed the promoting to go see a Gentile household, pushing it off as some crazy thought he had. but He did it at the prompting of the Spirit.
Jesus is the shepherd, we hear in the Gospels yesterday and today. Sheep are placed together in one sheepfold and become one family. We as rational human beings made with the ability to love like God, must allow ourselves to hear the Holy Spirit, follow His promptings, and build the family of believers.