Jesus said to them, "Are you not misled because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? Yet they prided themselves in being religious leaders. They did not even understand the difference of the next life in the resurrection compared to this world.
They want to know how this marriage worked in heaven. They ask whose wife will she be? They ask as if the next life is just like this one, an extension. They were misled because they did not know the Scriptures, just as Jesus said.
Are we any different today? How many people truly know Scriptures? Those who follow Mass daily might know some of the Scripture. Maybe some know them well.
If we look at the controversial issues of our day and time do we know Scriptures enough?
Issues such as same-gender marriages, fortune-telling, the truth about the teaching how to observe Sundays, purity and relationships, lying, the depth of liturgy, the truth about Mary and the saints, confession, and the sacraments, and many other things.
Do we know the power of God in people's lives and other’s lives? and how God has worked in saints' lives and the realization of God in your own life.
Jesus warns against being misled and for not knowing the Scriptures. Let us be people beginning today that know the Scriptures and the power of God so that Jesus cannot accuse us of not knowing, but instead through our knowledge come to know Him so personally and intimately and stand up for His ways and help others to know them also.