In the first reading from Wisdom, we hear that the ‘Just One’ is Obnoxious. Then there is an outline of why the ‘Just One’ was thought to be obnoxious: The ‘Just One’ reproaches people for transgressions of the law; He professes to have knowledge of God and styles himself a child of the LORD; His life is not like that of others, and different are his ways; and he holds impurity at a distance.
Everyone of us have broken the laws at times. We all sin and we often like our actions that are sinful, such as, we like to enter into some of the entertainment we should not do, we say the things we should not say, we gossip, we judge, we want to be lazy and skip this or that, as well as many other examples.
We do not like when someone tells us right from wrong. When someone does, we say things like who does he/she think they are? We do not like to be told we are wrong. We often criticize priests, preachers and when someone in authority, talks to us, we do not want to listen to the so-called lecture. We do not like people who live differently than us, especially good people. We call them goodie goodies or say something is wrong with them. Impurity is a temptation, and many give into it. Often those who do not are also called names or thought of as different. It is because their actions challenge us. It makes us look at ourself even if we do not realize we are looking at ourselves.
In the Gospel today, Jesus cries out, you know me, and you know where I am from. They could have taken this as meaning that they knew he was Jesus of Nazareth. There is more of a meaning here. They knew the Old Testament well, and the Old Testament pointed to the coming of the Messiah, The Son of God. Yet they would not allow themselves to believe that the messiah the Son of God could come as a human. Jesus says you know me and where I am from.
They knew Scriptures, they should have known that He was from the Father. They did know Him because Jesus fulfilled everything the Messiah was supposed to do and was about. They did not want the feeling of the ‘Just One’ challenging them. No wonder many did not like him, His goodness as a human was obnoxious to them.
Jesus reproached many for breaking the law, especially the Pharisees and scribes. He spoke with a knowledge of God the Father never before heard of. He lived differently than others, in unconditional love, and living the commandments to the fullness of love.
We are Christians, the name means that we are images of Christ. We are other Christs. As we look at our daily lives, are we also obnoxious? WE SHOULD BE!
I continue to urge you during this time of coronavirus, to continue to check on the lonely, the elderly, or anyone who might be in need. Please call me if you know of anyone who is not getting help. Fr. Tony